Greenscapes by Design Inc.
info@greenscapesbydesign.ca 1.800.621.1824/ 226.791.2174
About Karin

A wonderfully eclectic career path, from:
pedaling and peddling ice cream for Dickie Dee
forestry work throughout northern Ontario (Foleyet, Chapleau, Kapuskasing, & Sault Ste. Marie)
teaching high school biology, science & math
breeding parrots, canaries, finches, sheep & dogs
writing magazine articles about birds, plants & gardening
authoring 2 books, Menopause Before 40 (2004), & Inspiring Births with a Midwife (2013)
scientific writing & editing for the federal government
I started gardening & growing plants and gardening while in elementary school. Leaving for College, I boxed up my plants and sent them by Greyhound bus to Sault Ste. Marie, ON. After many years of city and small town living, I moved to a rural property. This allowed me to truly indulge in my passion for plants and gardening, and hone my expertise.
I want to share this passion and expertise.